Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Things I Like: Flip Video camera

Let me start by saying that I was not paid by anyone to do this entry, I just really like this product.

Ok I've only had this thing for like a week, and I have like 20 small videos of my pets alone (I want to do a music video!!) I've wanted one for a while, and decided to get one when I got my new computer. It was on sale! It was destiny!

A Flip Video camera, or Flipcam as I call it, is a small camcorder with memory instead of tapes. To put the videos on your computer, you just pull down a button, and a USB 'flip's out to put straight into your laptop. I have cords so I can flip it straight into the USB plug that's connected to the USB on the front of my comp.

It's a little bit bigger than the size of my phone or a digital camera, so it fits into my pocket or purse :D The case it came with is a very tight piece of fabric (bleh) so I need to buy a case or make a case or something, I don't like it not having protection. Currently when in my purse it is housed in a sock ^_^;

Here's what mine looks like (this is not my picture, it's from a website called squidoo.com)

See the thing on the side?  Pull down that button thing and the USB arm flips out! 

I totally recommend going to an electronics store and playing with this thing, I love it.  There's also a non-HD version, but I figured as long as I'm getting one, might as well be the nicer one right?

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool! We should do a music video together! OMG, we could do a music video wearing Lolita! Maybe Hello! Project or something.
